Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sunday morning, coming down

So, I'm walking through the grocery store this morning, shaking out the cobwebs of the night's activities, and in the background, I can hear the music being pumped in, mixing in with the noise of the stock people and shoppers. For the most part, like everyone else, I'm oblivious to it, but it happened to catch my ear, at a precise moment in the song. And all I could do was stop and wait for it. The line, the moment, that one precious piece of songcraft that set this particular song apart.

The song was Bob Seger's "Against The Wind". I'm not his biggest fan, but sometimes he can just catch a moment with a line. And in that song, he's singing about the past, and how weary we get moving forward...and then drops the line-"I wish didn't know now, what I didn't know then"...and it is just perfect. The innocence is gone, and you just can't undo it.

And then I pushed my cart down the aisle, and bought the adobo sauce and beans...

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