Sunday, May 1, 2011

I beg your pardon?

I never promised you a rose garden...

Getting all the plants in the ground, and preparing for azaleas, part two. Got perennials galore and pretty much done with them, and have now started with the annuals, which I have no idea about. This is experiment time. Basically, I'm just digging little holes, sticking them in the ground, and hoping for the best. Trying to pay attention to the whole "part/full sun" warnings, and trying to space them far enough apart they don't choke each other, but at the same time, give the impression of it being a full bed once they take root and grow.

The weather forecast/reality hasn't cooperated at all, so it was time to just give in and start planting in the rain this afternoon, as the morning, when I was planning on putting them in the ground looks like it will be no better, and neither do the next couple of days.

And then, there's the azaleas. At least this year I got them for next to nothing. I'll need to try and find a nice sunny spot, and manipulate the soil to favor the damned things. My back fence has day-lilies and holly bushes, so I don't know as they'll blend in well there, and the front of the house is kind of crowded.

So, I'm developing a crazy idea of using them as border bushes along one side of my steps. It would save me mowing the damned area (which as those who know me can attest, I hate mowing that damned hill in front of my house, and the more of it I can negate, the better!), and supposedly, they make nice low level border shrubs...which means, I'm either going to succeed, or fail spectacularly! We shall see if I go for it.

Any feedback from anyone that knows diddly about azaleas will be appreciated. :-)

1 comment:

  1. Mir-Acid (Miracle Grow for acid loving plants)...seriously. :)
