Sunday, February 26, 2012

SMiLE, Folks, (or Mike Love-Is he an idiot, or is he just an idiot?)

Ok, several years ago Brian Wilson released his solo version of the fabled SMiLE LP, that was to have been the magnum opus of the Beach Boys. When it came out I was reluctant at first to buy it, but eventually I did. And while I can't say I was blown away, I certainly thought it had its charms.
So fast forward...The SMiLE sessions by the Beach Boys has been issued. And again, I was reluctant to buy it. Over the years it achieved mythic status, and the label on front of the record didn't help..."The most anticipated album in rock & roll history!!!"
Well that's a mouthful. And I just couldn't help feeling that there was going to be some major disappointment.
Well there isn't. When taken in as the period piece it is, it is sweeping, majestic, creative, playful, and by god, it WILL make you SMiLE.

I can't help but compare it to the LP it should have preceded, the Beatles Pepper. And simply put, for sheer audacity, and creative songcraft, Brian Wilson beat them. That isn't to say that the individual songs are superior, but the studio accomplishment is just astonishing. Shame Mike Love is such a screaming asshole, as with it being released 45 years too late pretty much dampens any effect it could have had on young musicians of the day.

Oh well no time machine, so enjoy it for what it is folks.

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