Saturday, October 30, 2010

Another Brick In The Wall Of Civility

Last night went to see Roger Waters perform "The Wall" in all it's titantic, sprawling glory...and it was done very well. The Wall was erected thru the first half of the show, and was used to great effect as a giant film screen, displaying vivid imagery, photographs, graffiti etc. Musically, it was locked tight. No real surprises, just good solid performances=though there was one bit of interesting theatre-The song Mother was performed as a 'duet' of the 60 year old Roger Waters singing with himself from a recorded performance of the original tour some 30 years ago.
Regardless, the show really was well done, with good musical performance, great theatre, explosions, inflatable characters, planes flying into walls, helicopters circling, choruses of children from local schools, blah blah blah.

And it all teetered on being ruined because there are some people that cannot understand something quite simple. If you want to discuss the world series, if you want to talk about the "cool thing your neighbor did", then why do you pay $120 for a ticket, so that you can stand amongst other people that paid the same, and shout about it at the top of your voice throughout the show? Couldn't you just play the CD, and talk in your living room, dickhead? Huh? Would it be too much to think that just maybe, just the thinnest possibility, that I, and everyone else that has never met you before, and hopefully will never see your dull dimwitted, thick as pigshit self again do not care, and better yet, would like to hear the BAND without your running f-ing commentary on your own miserable, shitty little existence. It was amazing. We were surrounded by them. I felt like I was in a Stealer's Wheel song, with clowns to the left of me, and jokers to the right. I did finally grab one guy, who couldn't seem to grasp that I was in actual fact, not his buddy, and I didn't appreciate him rocking back onto me as he launched into yet another of his endless air guitar solos.
Anyway, in the second half of the show, the mentally challenged were overwhelmed by the louder songs of the show, and my annoyance was lowered, but still...people...please. Get your heads out your asses. If the music is so loud that you have to yell at each other in order to be heard, perhaps that's a hint. You don't need to be having a conversation...

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Can I just say that waking up with your calf having spasms due to a very nasty cramp hitting you just before the alarm goes off is NO FUN. Won't be swimming this morning...hate to think what jumping in a pool full of cold water would do.


Monday, October 25, 2010

A quandry

OK, at the risk of sounding like a misogynist, I have to ask: What's up with our women politicians lately? A quick poll-which party has the most batshit crazy woman running for office this year? On the right, the GOP has Michelle Bachmann, Christine O'Donnell and Sharron Angle. And in this corner, Nancy Pelosi, and the awe inspiring Kesha Rogers. For volume, the GOP has more, but Kesha is hard to top. And considering the GOP is sporting a threesome of whackos, that's saying something!

Hilary and Condoleeza just have to have their head in their hands when they see this stuff.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

At first blush

So what's the deal with embarrassment? I think far too many of us get embarrassed about things we shouldn't bother getting worked up over, and far too few of us get embarrassed over things we should be.

This is prompted by a few discussions I've had over the past few days about various and sundry drinking escapades. Such things as falling off roofs naked, sliding under tables in restaurants, paying a visit to the drunk tank dressed in stylish BVDs, paint the side of a car in vomit-tone pink at 60 mph down the highway on chilly January night...maybe its just me, but these just aren't things worth being embarrassed about. A bit of fun was being had, and something happened to provide an amusing story. Whoop-dee-do.

Here are a few things to actually be embarrassed about: We're one of the most affluent societies in the world, and we have somewhere in the neighborhood of 750,000 homeless people. "Survivor" has managed to have 21 different series. Kim Kardashian is famous. As a nation we bounce back and forth between our two political "choices" in the vain hope that one of them isn't lying this time. Our next generation has one hell of bill sitting in their mailbox, courtesy of the tax cut and spend, and tax increase and spend even more idiocy of the said two parties.

And there are lots more...feel free to provide any additions to the list..

Friday, October 15, 2010

What's Goin' On

Ok, so most people who know me, know that I currently have a senior canine residing in my house. Karli is a sweet old girl, who's past is a bit of a mystery.
She has the worst teeth I've ever seen on a dog, a large cancerous tumor on her underside, and advanced hip dysplasia. These three things would leave you to think she was an escapee from some puppy mill hell. Except she doesn't exhibit any fear of people, or wide open spaces, like a lot of those dogs do.
But one thing that does send her off the deep end is unexpected noises. She just hauled ass out of the living room because I opened a soda can. Sheer terror.
Whassup with that, Karli?

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Perry Mason, I'm not...

I was talking with a friend the other day, who mentioned the notion of feeling guilty about things. This got me to thinking-namely, that there is an awful lot of guilt in this world, a lot of it the product of religious indoctrination. I mean, the Jewish and Catholic faiths in particular seem to have been built on a bedrock of feeling guilty!

Oddly enough though, I'm not here to discuss how everyone should be absolved of their guilt. Yeah, there's such a thing as overkill in the guilt category, but the truth is, barring some neuroses, if you're feeling guilty, there's usually a pretty damned good chance that you've done something, or not done something that you know you either shouldn't have, or could have done better. That's not to say everyone should walk around feeling awful about the way they picked on little Johnny Dorko in 4th grade, or surrender their life's earnings to a charity as penance, but rather that there seems to be a whole new industry out there that seeks to absolve people of guilt.

"It's not your fault!" "Be empowered"! "You're not responsible for others feelings, they are!". I dunno-if you crap all over someone, I think you're probably a little responsible for them feeling bad. Lord knows, I've been a dickhead more than once in my life, and when I look on it in hindsight, I feel bad about it, and try not to repeat those actions. Its what makes me (hopefully) a better person than I was. And unless you're some kind of infomercial trained psychopath, you probably ought to feel at least a little bad about it too, and try to do better next time. I mean, if your attitude is "fuck'em, its their issue", you're going to leave a wake of unhappy folks behind you, and sooner or later you will be well and roundly hated by those familiar with your remarkable self-centeredness, and complete lack of remorse.

So, what's the bottom line? If you f-up, yes: you should feel bad. And then you should either rectify the situation, or at the very least make note of it, and improve the way you handle it next time. I don't think you need to let the guilt devour you, but I do think you need to feel it bite, just so you remain in touch with what is right and wrong.

Just sayin.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Let's Talk About Sex

No, no...let's not, It's all dark and wet, and well let's face it, it is just an uncomfortable subject. How about those Rams, eh?

Thursday, October 7, 2010

OK, so that's a little over dramatic, but don't you just hate colds when the weather is nice? I mean, you pretty much hate them when the weather is bad, but at least all you really want to do at that point is hide inside anyway.

Started coming down with this thing about two days ago, and thought it was going to be a little 24-48 hour thing. Nooooooo. I am now stuck here, typing on a blog, about how my head feels like it is full of poured lead.

On the plus side, baseballs on. On the downside, I don't like any of the teams playing. Well shit!