Sunday, October 24, 2010

At first blush

So what's the deal with embarrassment? I think far too many of us get embarrassed about things we shouldn't bother getting worked up over, and far too few of us get embarrassed over things we should be.

This is prompted by a few discussions I've had over the past few days about various and sundry drinking escapades. Such things as falling off roofs naked, sliding under tables in restaurants, paying a visit to the drunk tank dressed in stylish BVDs, paint the side of a car in vomit-tone pink at 60 mph down the highway on chilly January night...maybe its just me, but these just aren't things worth being embarrassed about. A bit of fun was being had, and something happened to provide an amusing story. Whoop-dee-do.

Here are a few things to actually be embarrassed about: We're one of the most affluent societies in the world, and we have somewhere in the neighborhood of 750,000 homeless people. "Survivor" has managed to have 21 different series. Kim Kardashian is famous. As a nation we bounce back and forth between our two political "choices" in the vain hope that one of them isn't lying this time. Our next generation has one hell of bill sitting in their mailbox, courtesy of the tax cut and spend, and tax increase and spend even more idiocy of the said two parties.

And there are lots more...feel free to provide any additions to the list..

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