Thursday, March 18, 2010

A wildly unfounded story

Did you know that St.Patrick, the Englishman in charge of civilizing Ireland (you can look it up!), was a serious boozer, that preferred Stag beer and honey liqueur to Guinness?

It is true. And because of this, yesterday I spent a lovely afternoon, in the company of a lovely little person, celebrating the Saint's passions.

We drank to the legend of St.Patrick and the grizzly bear, as well as St.Patrick steals the bee-hive. And who could ever forget the bold tale of "St.Patrick and the neon beer sign", in which he was confused, and thought he'd found the holy grail, only to discover that he'd stumbled upon one of the few taverns in all of Ireland that sold Stag? Being the man's man (not to mention cad and drunkard) that he was, he boldly strolled in, and ordered two (for it was happy hour), even though he had no money. Upon demand of payment, St.Pat showed them his special "disappearing snake" trick (a rather vile performance, best not described in a family friendly atmosphere)and in the confusion/revulsion that followed, he beat his retreat. But not too quickly, for he. like the rest of us, must dine. Which led him to Charlie O'Gitto's for a quick meal, paid for by the people of McDaniels town, who were only too happy to pay him to leave their table.

After toasting Pat's many exploits, we boarded our chariot, and lit out for home...

Parts of the preceding story are fiction. I'm just sayin'

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