Saturday, July 24, 2010

Vacant, room available...

Off for a week of booze, food, and beach, in Florida, the land of sunshine and sharks.

Quick observation: Watching a little "Palladia" on the boob-tube-Do The Fray actually suck as bad as I think they do? I'd heard of them, but until this morning, had avoided hearing them. What a bunch of silly twerps, obviously drunk with feelings of their own self-worth. As long as I'm being abusive, I'd like to insult Shinedown. Lord are they just about useless, non-descript repetitive garbage. They could be The Fray...or any number of crappy, carbon copy bullshit inoffensive, non-creative garbage.

Back in the day, myself and Mr.Boston would regularly opine to anyone that would listen, that it was better to try something different, and fail miserably, than to just recycle the same old crap that everyone else does. And lord knows The Fray, Five For Fighting, Theory Of A Deadman, Shinedown, Nickleback, Daughtry (whose musical cred isn't helped by having a disturbing resemblance to Vin Diesel) and just about every other "new" artist I've heard in the last xx years who do well to keep that in mind.

Jesus, I'm old...

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