Thursday, January 13, 2011

I'll take some potatoes and gravy with that

So, I have a new foster. Ostensibly, Linda has pre-named her Isabelle. Fat chance, Linda. This dog is built like a furry bowling ball, and is as cute as can be. Oh queen of the the dog chow, I christen thee "Pork Chop".
Plus she likes the name and comes when called by it. Vinnie of course hates her, but he'll get over it.

She seems to be housebroken, and for a dog as chubby as she is, she's pretty laid back about dinner. I've had to hand feed her so far. I'm wondering if she has some sort of issue with sticking her face in the bowl...I'll try a bigger dish tonight.

Also, I Let her sleep on the bed, as she was pacing down on the floor-and mild-mannered Simon never minds more canine company (unlike Vinnie, who probably resents me being on the bed, let alone any other dogs!)

Anyway, I'll come up with something less insensitive for a name, but for the next week or so, it fits!

Welcome to the pack, Pork Chop!!

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