Thursday, April 1, 2010

Temporary, Like Achilles

What is it with the frailty of the human condition that continues to surprise me? Surely I should be beyond it by now, but I never cease to be amazed when I see relationships fall apart. Perhaps it's because there really are only two people in a relationship, regardless of outside appearances, but I never see it coming. The impermanence depresses me.

Over the last few months, I've heard of long term relationships falling apart over arguments about in-laws, over getting committed too early, over losing a "spark", too much sex, too little sex, too much time together, too little time together...what the hell are people looking for? Perfection isn't out there, but I certainly think love is.

As a veritable artiste when it comes to failed relationships, let me make the following observation-Love is NOT never having to say you're sorry. It is being able to say you're sorry and fucking well meaning it, and having a partner that understands that and forgives it. It is not having a burning passionate "spark", it is having a deep, warm glow. It isn't about being together every waking moment of the day, nor is it about being apart. It is about appreciating the time you get to spend with your life's soul mate. Even if they do get on your nerves occasionally. If you need some "me time" go mow the damned yard. And as easy as it is to say, love or the lack of it, isn't a damned thing to do with in-laws, or getting committed too early-it is true. Love is ignoring all the noise, and having the determination to recognize just what attracted you to that special person in the first place, and loving them warts and all.

Holy bat guano, I think I may just be an incurable romantic...

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